AJA Immigration | Live-in Caregiver Program
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Live-in Caregiver Program


Live-in Caregivers are those individuals who are qualified (who have either got a college certificate or work experience) to provide care for children, elderly persons or persons with disabilities in private homes without supervision. As per the earlier law ,once a Live-in Caregiver comes to Canada to work for an employer they must live in the private home where they work in Canada, but with the new regulations in place there has been substantial changes to the requirements. 


Hiring a Live-in Caregiver is somewhat similar to hiring any other foreign worker but with certain specific criteria that only applies to this category of workers (Please discuss in details with our experts)


The employer who intends to hire a Live-in Caregiver has to qualify before filing an application for work permit. Once the employer gets a positive Labor market impact assessment(LMIA), only then the foreign worker can make apply for a work permit.

The application process for Live-in Caregivers has changed a lot. There has been changes to advertising guidelines, as well as the option of providing a choice to the worker to live out instead of live in.


The Live-in Caregiver can apply for permanent residence once they have completed working the designated number of hours as per law. The application for permanent residence will include the whole family of the live in care giver.


If you are a Live-in Caregiver working in Canada and want to discuss the possibility of bringing your family to Canada or want to apply for permanent residence please contact us to discuss further.


If you are an employer and want to sponsor or hire a Live-in Caregiver, please contact us to discuss the process in details.